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Animation Batch Save

This Python script allows you to apply a set of animations to a character rig in Maya and batch save them. The user is prompted for a character rig file, the directory of animations to be used, and the desired directory to save to.

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Foot Rigger

The Foot Rigger is a Python script that automatically sets up the rigging on pre-existing foot joints to enable foot rolls.



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Lighting Blueprint

Given a set of different light function materials, this UE4 Blueprint randomizes which light function (the flickering pattern) is used when a new instance of the light fixture is created.



See the Blueprint

Object Renamer

The Object Renamer is a tool written in Python that gives animators the ability to make adjustments to their pre-existing object names in Maya, creating a consistent naming convention. The user can input any labels they prefer to use, and this tool organizes the labels into suffixes and prefixes on the original name.

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